Order Status

Did you place an online order? You can Check Order Status here.

Email Order Confirmations

Should you fail to receive one or both of these emails, don't be alarmed. Chances are there was a typographical error in the email address you provided during checkout - it happens pretty frequently.

However, if you saw the "Save this for your records" message on your screen after checkout, then we've received your order and it will be shipped as quickly as possible from our Bennington Vermont location.

Check Order Status

If you're concerned about the status of your order, please send us an email by completing the form below, and someone from our customer service department will respond to you as quickly as possible.

Please keep in mind that our company is made up of potters and is more about craftsmanship than technology. We really appreciate it when you give us a day or two to record, pack and ship your order before you contact us. Thanks!

Contact us about your order
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