About Bennington Potters

Bennington Potters Yard

324 County Street
Bennington, Vermont

Mon-Sat: 9:30-6
Sun: 10-5

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It's the Everything We DON'T Make Sale!
Now thru May 31st • 10-50% off Storewide
Bennington Store Only

LAST day of the sale! Come and see us!

Over $400,000 of wall art, gifts, ceramics, glassware, furniture, linens, rugs, pillows, candles, lamps, objets d'art & decorative accessories of all kinds -- come and explore: play house in our store! 5400 square feet of great bargains.


Bennington Potters invites you to see this work in action. Our 'hands-on' approach to the pottery-making process is unique in today's manufacturing environment -- as is our tour, where the potters themselves describe each step of many processes.

You will see forming, finishing, and glazing machines in production. Techniques such as jiggering, jollying, chumming, burlapping will be demonstrated. You will see that each piece goes through the hands of six to eight potters.

Our pottery group numbers eight to ten and they divide work weeks either Monday through Friday or Tuesday through Saturday. The fullest production happens Tuesdays through Fridays and Mondays and Saturdays have plenty of potter action. The potters are off on Sunday; however, tours still allow visitors to come away with a clear understanding of how the pottery is made.


The four-acre property includes two historic buildings in addition to the pottery works. The 1922 Feed Mill, built on the site, is joined to a 19th century one room school house moved to the site in the early sixties. With 5,400 square feet of retail space, this unusual location offers many sophisticated interior design arrangements featuring furniture, rugs, wall art and all kinds of decorative accessories. A great place for gift givers!

Everything but Bennington pottery ON SALE thru May 31st!

Bennington Potters is always delighted to hear from you, but nothing pleases Bennington's potters more than a visit from you.

Learn about our pottery, offers, recipes and more